Community outreach

Here are some of the highlights from our recent work within the communities:

Croydon: Holiday Activities Programme across the borough provided an opportunity for the engagement team to connect with parents and providers with a view to raising awareness of our local offer.

Chris Paterson, Programme Director for Work Routes and Work and Health programmes, attended the Croydon Business Improvement District (BID) Box Park event in September to promote our fully funded inclusive recruitment offer to local small and medium-sized enterprises.

Kingston: Continuing to strengthen referral pathways for residents through outreach and co-location arrangements, namely RBKares (Royal Borough of Kingston Cares) food store space, and New Malden Library.

Merton: 'Summer on the Estate' Supported the launch of the Wellness Studio on the Pollards Hill estate, alongside the Pollards Hill Partnership network.

Building on the launch, the Reed in Partnership team will be based at the Wellness Studio one Wednesday a month, to be on hand for local residents to drop in. We will be offering a Better off Calculation review, alongside considerations and guidance on starting or returning to work. This is including people with health conditions, disabilities and/or caring responsibilities.

Richmond: We supported the family fun-day event at The Whitehouse, family hub service for Richmond residents.

Sutton: Our Engagement Officers supported provider roadshow events through July, focussing on health, families, SEND and work. Community drop-in locations included Roundshaw, in South Wallington, Beddington borough, and the Riverside Centre, Carshalton.

Our teams delivered information stalls at the Beddington and Wallington Local Committee Meeting, alongside Cost of Living, Family Hubs, Health and Wellbeing, Sutton Talking Therapies, Volunteer Centre Sutton, and the Beddington Neighbourhood Forum. Thank you to the Sutton Community Engagement team for the warm welcome.

If you would like to discuss co-location arrangements, then we would welcome the opportunity to explore this further with you.

Please contact: Ursula Johnston, Strategic Relationships Manager.