June Integration Update

Strengthening pathways for residents into employment and skills support
Our place-based approach to improving access to our service continues to go from strength to strength with cross-service referrals now flowing between connected community organisations and Better Working Futures South London.
Key to the process of improving access for all is service user voice. We are working closely with partners to facilitate engagement activities between our participants and skills academy project leads to improve equality of access to local employment opportunities.
Integrating Networks to Improve Provider and Stakeholder Collaboration
Cross-sector collaborations aim to raise awareness of and improve access to the local employability offer. This network is united through a shared of purpose; to improve outcomes for residents who want to work and who can work, to get into “Good Work”.
Health & Wellbeing
Local initiatives include working with our health partners via Croydon’s Integrated Care Network Plus (ICN+) who are working with us to improve timely access to the community-based services designed to help residents living with a long-term health condition. This offer has been well received by our participants as the referral provides opportunities to avoid delays, complex referral processes, and duplications to give people timely and efficient care.
Skills & Employment
We have been helping to shape the South London skills strategy and governance structures. A highlight of the month has been working alongside providers across South London to help implement the London Local Skills Improvement Plan -LSIP recommendations.
Click here to hear what others had to say about the event!
The plan is being delivered by South London Partnership – SLP in partnership with BusinessLDN and in consultation with local stakeholders.
What this means for our participants:
This means that our in-house skills academy offer aligns with the priorities as set out in the LSIP: essentially, we are equipping our participants with the skills that are required of an effective workforce.
What this means for employers:
It means our participants are job-ready as a result of their engagement with Reed in Partnership’s in-house skills development courses, which also includes sector-based work academy routeway programmes.
Our sector-based work academy is actively supporting:
- Social Care: We are working with SLP partners to better improve access to local non-clinical roles across the NHS for South West London.
- Green Skills: We have delivered a pilot in partnership with Sutton College, Sutton Council, South London Construction, and South London Partnership to bring women closer to opportunities within the construction and green skills sector. Look out for next month’s edition to hear from the pilot participants!
Highlighting skills and employment support available in South London
Recruitment and Retention: Weaving Disability Confidence into Business Delivery.
Last month saw the first in what will be a series of equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) events being led by Reed in Partnership South London. These events are aimed at employers and the local business community with the intention of improving access to FREE employer support services. Click here for a snippet of what the day looked like!
Our next event is planned for early October, so expect further details in our July newsletter. If you are interested, please contact [email protected]