Next steps in my career – Helena’s story
Helena had recently been made redundant when she joined Better Working Futures. With a background in childcare and working in schools, Helena was eager to continue her career in the education sector.
During Helena’s initial appointment, she met with Employment Adviser, Solomon, who took time to find out more about her situation and what type of work would be suitable for her, as Helena has hypermobility. Having hypermobility affects Helena’s back, knee, and shoulder, which sometimes causes pain and discomfort.
Solomon discussed the support available at Better Working Futures and suggested that Helen join our in-house Pain Management course, to help her manage the pain caused by her hypermobility so that she would feel better and so that her condition would be less of a barrier to her working.
Solomon shared with us: “When Helena first joined Better Working Futures, she had a few problems at home and with her health that she felt were hindering her job search. I assured her that we would work through this with her and at her own pace, until she felt ready enough to go back to work.
“Helena was determined not to let her illness prevent her from doing what she loved for work, and this showed during all her appointments. When she was ready and we began looking for work, we prepared her for interviews by practising with mock questions and scenarios, and we were able to provide vouchers for new interviews clothes too which gave her more confidence.”
“Fortunately, through our Recruitment Manager we were able to help find her a job as a Teaching Assistant at school local to her. Now that Helena is back in work, we still keep in touch, and she has told me how happy she is in her new job.”