Project manager – Rajeev’s story

Rajeev joined Better Working Futures for professional support in navigating the job market. With the support of his Employment Adviser, Rajeev learned how to write a CV and cover letter, whilst learning how to tailor this to each job sector that he applied for.
“People looking for work should make use of Better Working Futures, because it genuinely helps you to get on board with the job market. It supports those who might feel down or depressed, helping them to build and improve their confidence and find new job opportunities.” Said Rajeev.
Employment Adviser, Megan arranged mock interviews for Rajeev, which gave him practise with interview techniques and how to answer interview style questions. This improved Rajeev’s confidence in looking and applying for work, and following the mock interviews, he felt job ready.
Our Employment Advisers can assess job readiness, strengths, needs and proximity to entering sustainable employment, from getting to know their participants and their experiences, helps our team to create a tailored plan of action together with their participants.
Megan told us: “Whilst working with Rajeev, we supported him with travel costs for interviews and work-related travel, which alleviated the financial stress and allowed Rajeev to focus on securing the right job opportunity.”
Better Working Futures provide free in-house courses that can support with sector training, IT skills, and sector routeways. This provides an insight for participants, as to what is involved and expected when working in this job sector.
Rajeev enrolled onto one of our in-house courses that focuses on proactivity and resilience, and from this he determined the job sector he wanted to pursue, whilst Megan was on hand to support with his next steps in this direction. It wasn’t long before Rajeev was invited to interview for a project manager role, where he was offered the job just a few days later!